
Sunday 10 February 2008

Those Days

Today dah 43 days aku berpantang... one more day to go.... and i'm free.. my aim is to reduce my weight to 50 Kilo's.. Sigh.. it's a lots to do... i'm started my diet this morning with keazaman yang kuat..( wish me luck)... i've a lots of xtvt that i've planned.. aerobics,jogging,golf, taekwondo and more and more and more... Akan ku berusaha sehingga ke titisan peluh ke yang terakhir..mueh..mueh..mueh... maybe i should try kick boxing too.. try? nope..start again..yes..start again..(I've had learn kick boxing before.. masa zaman muda remaja yang penuh keghairahan mencuba bermacam-macam sukan..) tell u what... sanggup amik serai seikat..lepas tu ketuk kat betis kering sampai hancur...i've done that... that one of lesson...Sekarang? NoW? NO!.. just a bit kick here and there, punch here and there..enough la ek.. tak payah nak keras2 sangat.. dah agak tue..hehehe yea ke? Aku rindu zaman aku aktif bertaekwondo dulu... i'm proud of me.. gold medalist in my category 50-54Kg in Penang State for a few years.. untill i joint Cadets.. in 1997..My life full of energy... masa kaki tangan ringan untuk menyepak terajang...i miss those days.. i wish if i can do my favourite skill.. jumping back kick, chopping kick. and etc.. aku terpaksa stop di zaman kegemilangan..(Chewah..perasan..muemuehmueh..)and now 11 years past by...pejam celik pejam celik.. time goes by without waiting to anybody... and i will teach my daughter by myself in self defence.. i will...that for sure... at least i had a black belt with Kukkiwon certificate fm Korea..
Esok teruskan usaha berdiet dgn bersungguh2... akan ku buktikan pada laki ku bahawa aku boleh kurus dan ramping... mueh..mueh..mueh...

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