
Saturday, 23 February 2008

Quote Of The Day

A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs nothing.

John Tillotson
English prelate (1630 - 1694)

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Aduh... bangun tidur this morning...sakitnyer betis2 ku and badanku... almaklumlah dah lama tak bersukan... Letihnya la hai... so pagi nie tak g jogging ler... hopefully blh la gi aerobic mlm nie... i'm tired gile2nyer penat nih... adoi... Bila nak kurus nie.. huhuhuhuhuhuhu... aku tak mau gemuk.....waaaaaaaa
Ok la... mlm nie mesti gi aerobics.. must... FIGHTING!FIGHTING...GET LOST all the fat and cellulite!!!!!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Another hard day

Today..begin my routine with Jogging Okay... Aku pun tak percaya apa yg aku telah buat... tapi...Yes...I've had done that...begin at 7 in the morning.. still gelap lagi masa tu... elok sampai umah dah agak cerah..around 0730.. ok la tu.. for the 1st day.. ingat senang ke nak memotivatekan diri untuk berjogging...pepagi buta plak tu... hari nie berat turun fm 65kh to 63++kg... ok la tu ek..for the first day.. ops... bkn jogging je ek... Hello... ingat senang2 nak turunkan 2 kilo's.. i'm on diet okay dah lbh kurang 1 week... than (sambung balik) lepas jogging.. hantar mya gi sekolah... lepas tu amik mya balik sekolah around 1130H.. mya hari nie agak tidak berapa sihat... asyik merenggek2 je... sian dia...
Petang pukul bola golf 5-6 biji kat depan umah... after that guess what? Aerobics ler..pkl 2030H-2130H... sweating like hell beb... akhirnya berjaya jgk menurunkan 2 kilo setelah beberapa hari berusaha... so... Esok..kita cuba lagi...Chaiyok...!

Monday, 11 February 2008

My Daughter and I

I dont like makeup, not much to do with my hair.. Just wearing a necklace and my wedding bands daily... make it short..I am not a girly-girl... I own a couple other ring that too small for me..( i pernah kurus awwww..)..but that's it... For me... as long as i comfortable with what i'm wearing... i'm happy...
Seingat aku... masa zaman kanak2 dolu-dolu.... aku suka pakai baju serupa ngan abang aku... love to play football with my cousin..(aku xde cousin pompuan yang sebaya).. what to do... so...rupa pun mcm boy ler... ntah..aku selesa dgn diri aku... sampai remaja pun mcm tu jgk... mcm2 aku pernah buat.. merempit..bergaduh..ponteng sekolah..dll (hehehe remaja riang ria..)... nasib baik ler kategori nakal jer.. muehmuehmueh... Alhamdulliallah... aku masih waras berfikir untuk membentuk masa depan aku... sampailah aku masuk cadet.. dan masih setia sampai sekarang dgn kerjaya aku..(ceh..sbb dah contract kan.. thehehehe..).. Tapi bila nengok anak sulong aku 2 thn 6 bln yg ramai sepupu lelakinya... nasib baik la dok jauh... tapi sekali-sekala jumpa..aduh... nampak lasaknya.. dgn perangai yang suka pakai baju sepupu-sepupu lelakinya..dan fully energetic...remind me of me, myself and i dolu-dolu...Memang saling tak tumpah mcm mummynyer... tapi tak pe... akan ku didik menjadi seperti yg sepatutnya... (Menjadi anak yg solehah dan berguna kpd dirinya, keluarga, agama dan bangsa..InsyaAllah..)

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Those Days

Today dah 43 days aku berpantang... one more day to go.... and i'm free.. my aim is to reduce my weight to 50 Kilo's.. Sigh.. it's a lots to do... i'm started my diet this morning with keazaman yang kuat..( wish me luck)... i've a lots of xtvt that i've planned.. aerobics,jogging,golf, taekwondo and more and more and more... Akan ku berusaha sehingga ke titisan peluh ke yang terakhir..mueh..mueh..mueh... maybe i should try kick boxing too.. try? nope..start again..yes..start again..(I've had learn kick boxing before.. masa zaman muda remaja yang penuh keghairahan mencuba bermacam-macam sukan..) tell u what... sanggup amik serai seikat..lepas tu ketuk kat betis kering sampai hancur...i've done that... that one of lesson...Sekarang? NoW? NO!.. just a bit kick here and there, punch here and there..enough la ek.. tak payah nak keras2 sangat.. dah agak tue..hehehe yea ke? Aku rindu zaman aku aktif bertaekwondo dulu... i'm proud of me.. gold medalist in my category 50-54Kg in Penang State for a few years.. untill i joint Cadets.. in 1997..My life full of energy... masa kaki tangan ringan untuk menyepak terajang...i miss those days.. i wish if i can do my favourite skill.. jumping back kick, chopping kick. and etc.. aku terpaksa stop di zaman kegemilangan..(Chewah..perasan..muemuehmueh..)and now 11 years past by...pejam celik pejam celik.. time goes by without waiting to anybody... and i will teach my daughter by myself in self defence.. i will...that for sure... at least i had a black belt with Kukkiwon certificate fm Korea..
Esok teruskan usaha berdiet dgn bersungguh2... akan ku buktikan pada laki ku bahawa aku boleh kurus dan ramping... mueh..mueh..mueh...